Abavura indwara zo mu mutwe ngo imibereho mibi no gutotezwa biri mu bizitera

Mu kiganiro abagize ihuriro nyarwanda ry’abaforomo bavura indwara zo mu mutwe bahaye abaturage bo mu kagali ka Nkusi mu Murenge wa Jali mu Karere ka Gasabo nyuma yo gushinga inkingi aho bagiye gutangira kubakira umubyeyi wabaga mu nzu ishaje, bavuze ko imibereho mibi, gutotezwa no kunywa ibiyobyabwenge biri mu mpamvu zituma abantu barwara mu mutwe. […]
Training for Mental Health Care: Epilepsy and Depression Focus in Rwanda

On the 4th of August, 2023, a pivotal training session was held at the University of Rwanda – College of Medicine and Health Sciences. The event, focused on enhancing the skills of mental health professionals in treating epilepsy and depression within primary healthcare settings, marked a significant step forward in mental health care in Rwanda. […]